An important part of boat maintenance is a clean boat.

Green BoatingGreen cleaning your boat is just as important. Soaps and harsh cleaners can have a negative impact on our marinas, harbors and oceans.  Did you know that most cleaners are toxic to marine life?

If you’re using soaps and harsh cleaners on your boat, you’re not practicing green boating. There’s really no excuse. There are all sorts of eco-friendly alternatives out there. Eco-friendly products will help protect our marinas, harbors and oceans for us and future boaters.


Environmental friendly cleaning products…


  • All Purpose Cleaner – Mix one cup white vinegar with two gallons water.
  • Aluminum Cleaner – 2 Tablespoons cream of tartar in 1 quart hot water.
  • Ammonia – Based Cleaners- Vinegar, salt, and water.
  • Bleach – Borax or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Bronze Cleaner – Lemon juice and baking soda.
  • Chrome Cleaner/Polish – Apple cider vinegar to clean; baby oil to polish.
  • Fiberglass Stain Remover – Baking soda paste.
  • Head Cleaner – Baking soda and use a brush.

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  • Mildew Remover – Paste using equal parts of lemon juice (or white vinegar) and salt.
  • Rug/Upholstery Cleaner – Sprinkle on dry cornstarch and then vacuum.
  • Stainless Steel Cleaner – Baking soda or mineral oil to polish. Vinegar to remove spots.
  • Varnish Cleaner – Equal parts vinegar and water solution.
  • Window Cleaner – Mix two tablespoons vinegar in one quart of water or rub glass with newspaper.

[/twocol_one_last]You might have to scrub a little harder using these products. But just think how you’re helping the environment by not using harsh chemicals.

Other Green Boating ideas…Green Boating

  • Be sure to keep the bilge water oil-free.
  • Take care when refueling.
  • Never throw trash over board.
  • Dispose of sewage properly.

And as boaters, it is our responsibility to help keep the waters and resources healthy for future generations.

If you’re not already practicing green boating, it’s not too late! Why not start today?

And if you’re looking for a green marina in the Los Angeles Harbor, check out Newmarks Yacht Center.  Or give us a call, 310.824.2840